Gambling Addiction


Although it is common to lump gambling taxes together with other forms of “sin taxes,” these laws do not discourage people from playing casino games. Rather, they are intended to encourage state-approved gambling, which is not only profitable but helps offset the harmful effects of other forms of gambling. According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, $30 billion was raised from gambling taxes in fiscal year 2020, or about a third of a percent of state and local general revenue.

The risk of developing compulsive gambling increases with age, but it can also begin as early as childhood. Adolescents who have spent time in casinos or other gambling establishments are more likely to develop this disorder, as are college-aged men. However, the prevalence of compulsive gambling is increasing among both genders, and gambling in childhood may be a risk factor. Further, gambling in the form of lottery tickets and commercial games is more common among men than among women.

Gambling can also be a self-soothing activity, or a means to relieve boredom. It can help relieve boredom, especially if it is accompanied by other activities. For example, practicing relaxation techniques, exercising, or socializing with nongambling friends can all help to ease boredom. In addition, gambling can be an important way to release a person from a negative mood, such as stress, depression, or anger.

If you are suffering from a gambling addiction, you should reach out to family, friends, and colleagues for support. Joining sports clubs, reading clubs, volunteering for a good cause, or becoming a member of a peer support group can help you overcome your problem. A great place to start is the Gamblers Anonymous (GA) group, modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous. It offers a 12-step recovery program that involves finding a sponsor, a former gambler who is willing to offer encouragement and support.

People with a gambling addiction often have a hard time controlling their urge to participate. This can lead to financial problems and a deterioration of personal relationships. Counselling services are confidential and available around the clock. You can access help by calling your local gambling support group or visiting a site like A good place to start is with a free online resource. You can get help for free and without any obligation. All you have to do is fill out a confidential questionnaire. It will help you overcome your gambling problem and move on to a happier, healthier life.

Treatment for compulsive gambling may include medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Problem gambling may also be caused by an underlying disorder such as bipolar disorder or depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps change unhealthy gambling behaviors and false beliefs that lead to compulsive behavior. Therapy will also teach you new coping skills that can help you control your urges to gamble. If you are suffering from compulsive gambling, seek help from a qualified counselor.